Sunday, April 18, 2010

Set Priorities on Your Activities and Concentrate Single Mindedly on One Thing at a Time - Brian Tracy's Millionaire Success Secret 12

Set Priorities on Your Activities and Concentrate Single-Minded on One Thing at a Time
Success secret number twelve: set priorities on your activities and concentrate single-minded at one thing at a time.
This is the key formula for high levels of productivity and performance and for becoming a self-made millionaire. By setting priorities and concentrating, you can accomplish virtually anything you want in life. This simple strategy has been the primary reason for high income, wealth creation, and financial independence for thousands and even millions of people. Your ability to determine your highest priority and then to work on that high priority until it is completed is the primary test and measure of willpower, self-discipline, and personal character. It's the hardest to do, but also the most important thing if you want to be a big success.
Here's the formula for high productivity: begin by making a list of everything you have to do before you begin. Set priorities on your list by asking yourself these four questions over and over:
Question number one is “What are my highest value activities?” What is it that you do that is more valuable than anything else to your work and to your business?
Question number two is “Why am I on the payroll?” What exactly have you been hired to accomplish? Focus on results, not activities.
Question number three is this: “What can I and only I do that, if done well, will make a real difference?” This is something that only you can do. If you don't do it, it won't get done. But if you do do it and you you do it well, it can make a significant difference in your business or your personal life. What is it?
Question number four is this: “What is the most valuable use of my time right now?” There is only one answer to this question at any time. Your ability to determine the single most valuable use of your time and then to start in on that task is the key to high productivity and financial success.
Finally, commit yourself to working single-minded on one task, the most important task, and staying with it until it is 100% complete. Persevere without diversion or distraction. Push yourself to keep working at the job until it's done.
The good news is that by continually setting priorities and concentrating on your highest-value tasks, you soon develop the habit of high performance. This habit will then become automatic and will virtually guarantee you great success in life. This one habit alone can make you a millionaire.

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